I have been trying to compile a list of "cuteness" words that my kids have made up. I think I might have enough to make a post worth while.
"Pepper Coke" : This is probably not too hard to figure out. The funny thing is now David and I
Refer to Dr. Pepper as "pepper coke." (Courtesy of Tatum)
"Chicken Land": This refers to one of our favorite places to eat.....Kentucky Fried Chicken.
(Courtesy of Tatum)
"Glittering" : What you are doing when you throw trash (or cigarettes) out your window.
(Courtesy of Eden)
"Bridge-ledges": This is what is taken away when you don't finish your chores or throw a fit.
(Courtesy of Tatum....while "lecturing" Eden on the importance of cleaning.)
"Chunk-a-cheese": Again, not to hard to figure out. My favorite is when they refer to "Chunk"
himself. :) (They both use this one!)
""Puter": This is the computer. Favorite website is "nockin".com (Noggin).
(Tatum again.)
"Boobie-Bathingsuit": This is any bathing suit that has either a triangle-shaped top or a bikini.
We are pretty strict on bathing suits.....easy to say no now, than when
they are 16 and wanting to prance around in a string! :) This is great until
we are around other children who are allowed to wear such "boobie suits"
to swim....it can get embarrassing when my kids point it out. (Tatum!!)
"Favrick": This is what I use to make purses, drapes and sometimes their clothes! (Fabric)
(Courtesy of Eden.)
"Storm-ado": This is what has had us in hiding on a weekly basis the last 4 months.
(Courtesy of Eden) Actually a pretty accurate name for it! :)
:Hal-ley Dishelle": Our good friends baby girl. Her real name is Hadley Michelle.
(Courtesy of Eden)
"O-gur-rat": This actually has two definitions
1. Yogurt
2. Refers to the cartoon "Rugrats"
"to-ma-to": (Imagine in a very British accent) You guessed it...the red veggie/fruit that we eat.
(Tatum again.)
"Bammed": This is what happens when you play around at bedtime and fall out of bed...you bam
your head on the dresser.
(They both use it.)
"Mister-sippy": This would be the last state we lived in. (Mississippi...Just in case you didn't
know.) (Tatum again.)
"Lift-gloss": What you put on your lips to make them shiny. (Eden's!)
"Ober-awl": Another two definition word. ( I don't see the similarities at all! :))
1. bra
2. Overalls
"Boppie": The name of Eden's (very sad looking) stuffed rabbit.
"Wessilin Sizzlin": Western Sizzlin (Tatum!)
That's all for now...I will periodically update as new words are added to the repertoire.
What funny names do you have around your house??? Please share!
Funny that you made this post because I have been working on some words that Easton says as well. I can't seem to remember them when I sit down to type so I haven't posted it yet. I am hoping I remember more.
These were precious! I love the pepper coke and chicken land. That is too cute! I also love Mister Sippy. I thought it was her sippy cup at first. Too funny! Thanks for sharing!
Aw those were so cute!! :-D Thanks for sharing. :)
Our favorites are Monkstash (Mustache) by James and Flumb (Thumb) by Evie :)
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