Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Cook Adventure Continues.........

Well, if you have been following us the last 4 will know that we are on house number three since November. :) We are now house sitting for several families from our church this summer. We are just getting started on building our home...which I am VERY excited about. What I am NOT excited about is living other people's lives in the meantime. After the tornado, rental properties are non-existant. So we either comute an hour or live in someone's house. We chose not to drive.

Please send a prayer up for us....more specifically my children. They like to have stability and lately....between the tornado and us moving around.... the only stability they know is our love. Thank goodness that counts for a whole lot more than a house! Right?

Stay tuned for the next chapter in "David and Bethany's Big Adventure!"

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