Friday, January 25, 2008

Catching up!

I love it when I run into people I knew in a "past life." Today was sorta one of those days.

When we were in college, David was a manager at Wal Mart. One of his bosses, Twila, and I were pregnant (twice) together. We talked shortly after our first babies were born, but we moved off to Mississippi and lost contact. Lo and behold a year ago, we heard that our Wal Mart was getting a new store manager and they were looking to buy the house next door to us. When we found out who it was...we flipped out! How wierd!?! Well they didn't end up moving next door, and we have since moved homes but we HAVE stayed in touch.

Tatum and Maggi are in the same class as school. And today was Maggi's birthday party. Long after the pary was over and the guests gone, Twila and I sat around for three hours catching up on the last 6 years, while the 4 little girls played all sorts of dress up games. ( They looked beautiful by the way!) It was so fun to talk about "old times"....good and bad. I love catching up with old friends.

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