Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hello again...

I have been SOOOO crazy. That is my excuse. We are in the middle of starting up a new curriculum that has, for some reason, fallen into MY lap. (I am still wondering where all the people that were "on board" are.) We start on Wednesday night so I have been spending day and night (Literally) on the computer looking for "stuff" for classes. I am excited to get started though.

Here's the latest:

Tatum started 1st grade. I can not believe it. She is doing pretty well. She went to a private school last year and they taught reading a little different than in the public school, so she is having to re-learn some things a different way. For this reason we are debating sending Eden to public school instead.....we will see how this year goes.

Eden starts school on Tuesday. She is starting her second year of preschool ( on purpose! :)) She actually starts school on her 5th birthday, so we will be partying! :) Nothing like kicking the year off right!

Again, I can't believe that Eden is going to be 5 years old. It just doesn't seem that long ago. I do still have a (very) little part of her that is still my baby. :) She is growing up sooooo fast.

We have begun our house!!! (Do I hear a cheer? ) We finally got moving. For MONTHS we have been arguing with our architect about house plans, only to fire him without ever getting them. I ended up drawing up our plans, and that seemed okay with the bank...Yeah for us. We had our footers dug and poured in the same day and a week or two later, our friend Adrian began laying the block for the foundation. He is almost done ( I guess..I don't really know what to look for! :)) and then our framer will be on his way to do his thing. I am PUMPED....more than you will ever know. We have been living in someone elses house since November....ugh. I am ready to have my own things and my own bed. I am so grateful for our friends that have let us "house sit" while out of town.....I have no idea where we would be otherwise! :)

I feel like I am rambling, so I will go.


Jamey said...

How long do you think it will take for the house to be built? I'm so happy for you guys; I know you feel blessed to finally be at this point!

Shelley said...

Yeah for house building!!!! I know you are so excited! I hope that the process goes smoothly and quickly. I am expecting a BBQ when everything gets done. : )

I also can't believe your girls are that old. Tatum is supposed to be a little baby sitting on my lap at heart group. Time flies!!!

Bethany said...

We are TRYING to get into the house before Christmas...but that is a long shot. SOOOO, whatever happens will be least it's happening! :)

Of course there will be a will be winter (hopefuly) when we finish, so it may be an indoor one. :)